It's been an odd few hours, I slept while Les was at work, then got up and went to Namba with her flatmate Laura, drank cans of cocktails (Moscow mule, fuzzy navel etc.) in the plaza for a while, until we decided to go to a club called canon - this is an indie club where loads of Gaijin go every thursday. We snuck in with a bottle of whisky and a bottle of coke, which we hid under a table and swigged from, in a classy fashion. When we walked in, the first thing I see is my mate Josh staring out of a poster! I think it was claiming that the Horrors are playing Osaka on the 27th, which is pretty cool (I don't think anyone believed me when I said I knew him).
I snuck out to get cheap drinks from the convenience store opposite, and got chatting to a few guys, from all over the place.

Now, after we left the club, at about 5:30 am, we wandered the streeets looking for food, and we found a Yoshinoya! From what I can remember, the food was delicious, and I discovered that I can use chopsticks when drunk and exhausted. When we got to the subway, I started sliding down the handrail, and managed to rotate very slowly and fall off, landing square on my face, twisting my neck (which hurts quite a lot today). This was not the worst bit though - on my way down I managed to kick Laura in the face and neck, leaving a big red footprint, and causing her to fall over, bruising her arm. I kicked a girl full in the face on my first day. That's pretty bad, by anyone's standards. Luckily, she was very forgiving, and there aren't really any visible marks.
Today has been spent lying on the sofa feeling like utter crap - Les and Laura have gone to work, so Leona's taking me out for Sushi in a minute, which is cool - provided my somewhat shredded digestive system can take it. This is not aided by the fact that I feel really awkward pooing in girl's houses.
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