Today Pat and I went to Yongsan market, an enormous market/district selling nothing but electronics. After an awesome Japanese Lunch, we forged ahead into the first of the three enormous shoppingt complexes. Luckily Pat and I share a love of small clever gadgets, so we wandered around for a few hours gasping at ultra mobile touchscreen tablet PCs & Samsung NV20 cameras, haggling over Nintendo DSs loaded with pirated games in the XBox Mile, and generally geeking out.
On our way home we met Leo, Jim and Glenn in Hongdae, or rather we got really lost and they eventually came and found us in Ho Bar III. We ordered some drinks, and were presented with this - a bottle of Whiskey (good), a can of coke (insufficient) and a selection of prepared fruits (just plain wierd). In this country, whenever you order a drink you're given a bowl of crisps, nuts, or some other food for free, which seems to be a good way of avoiding getting drunk too quickly - which is perfect for the Koreans, as they drink a lot compared to other asian nations.
We went to NB later on, to show Pat the wierd phenomenon that is Korean dancing - everyone faces the DJ/stage, in lines, meaning that you're always looking at peoples backs. Evryone does this, and occasionally at some unknown signal a synchronised routine will occur, performed by those nearest the DJ. Pat fell foul of the strong drinks measures, resulting in me making this friendly reminder when we got back home...

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