Well, I screwed that up. I fell asleep the second I got in last night, woke up on the sofa at 1am, made up a futon for myself and set an alarm for 6am, figuring that two 4hr sleeps were as good as one 8hr one, and I could always sleep on the 3hr Shinkansen to Tokyo. How wrong I was... I woke up at 6:00, 6:10, and 6:15, and then fell asleep until 10:25. That's an oversleep of more than 4 hours! Somewhat annoyed with myself, I hurried out of the house by 10:45 - this time should be noted. I got the Subway to Shin-Osaka and Caught the Shinkansen to Tokyo, the Yamanote line across to Shinjuku, the Chuo Line to Otsuki, and the Fuji-Kyuku line to Shimo-Yoshida, where I was booked into the youth hostel. The Lonely Planet lied to me and sent me on a bit of a wild goose chase down the wrong road, I called Clare in the UK and got her to look the place up online, although just as she found it I saw the sign pointing me in the right direction. Check-in closed at 8pm, I arrived at 19:53. That's 9 hours and 8 minutes door-to-door, which is quite a long train journey by anyone's standards. And then it was time to go to bed, as I was unaccountably knackered. What a good use of a day.
Also, two odd things happened today. Firstly, I vaguely remembered two things about my dreams last night - firstly, someone punched me hard in the jaw, I think inspired by the Augment who punches Gordon in The Postman, which I read recently. Also, I was having a bad dream and wanted to wake myself up (this happens a little more often than I would like, I become trapped in my own psyche and cant escape, so I hit myself and shout in the dream, until I wake up into the real world - this has never happened when there has been anyone else to witness it, and I hope it never will - I can imagine noone in a hostel would want to talk to me if I awoke flailing and screaming). Anyway, I was slapping myself in the face in my dream, until I awoke, and even now as I write this, two days later, my jaw still clicks and aches, and is noticeably swollen. I can only assume, therefore, that I smacked myself so hard in the face that I have bruised myself, and possible the other dream was merely a manifestation of the real-world pain I was feeling, without disturbing the dream. Before I have actually accused others of hitting me in my sleep (sorry Bob) to account for having this jaw pain, but I think it's just that I am slightly mental and beat myself up as I slumber.
The second thing is less odd - I had a Mega-Tomato meal from McD's this morning - three burgers and a load of tomato in a Big Mac style bun - and the tomato one was more expensive than the one with a fried egg in it. I would have thought it would be the other way round. Anyway, please comment with any thoughts on the jaw thing, I am intrigued to hear others opinions on the subject.
Current Location: Just off Clapham Common, London
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