Current Location: Just off Clapham Common, London

Monday, April 5, 2010

A feast, a roast and returning to London.

03/04 - This morning was productive, in a non-fun sort of way. Kelly had been tasked with sorting through a few boxes of stuff which had been moved out of her Mum's house to her Dad's garage, so I helped out a bit, and we got through about 5 or 6 boxes, and ended up with two boxes less than we started with, although I must confess to being a little confused about some of the stuff Kelly opted to keep (mainly school books/notes, as far as I could see). I had my uneaten emergency pasty for lunch and we headed over to her Mum's house in the early afternoon, said hi and then quickly borrowed her car for so that we could drive into Beverley. Kelly headed off to Tesco to get soem stuff for dinner while I went to get a haircut - quite a massive deal, as it is the first one I have had in well over a year. I was rather nervous about my ability to tell them what I wanted, and I was pretty shocked at how short some of it is, but now I am used to it I quite like it. I reckon they took about 8 inches off, judging by the offcuts on the floor.

We headed over to Kelly's sister's house for a play with Olivia and then to cook them dinner. Kelly had chosen all Amy's favourite foods. We were the first overnight guests in their new house, and the first to cook for them, and Kelly had decided that this was to be a surprise dinner so we had to shut them out for an hour or so while we cooked so Amy couldn't guess what we were making. The reason this took so long is that the main course required us to reduce 2 litres of stock down to an eighth of its original volume. The actual cooking was pretty simple - we made creamy garlic mushrooms, steak a l'échalotte and microwave treacle sponge pudding, all of which went down very well indeed. We also had prosecco (all of us), rosé (Amy and Liam), rioja (Liam and I) and a white wine (Kelly and the garlic mushrooms) to go with it all. We went to bed in the spare room in a den of sofa cushions and duvets, full and happy.

Liam and Amy, wondering what we have cooked for them.

Amy's Birthday sponge

04/04 - Kelly leapt out of bed to go and play with Olivia, while I took the opportunity to doze a bit more. Olivia and I had some good games going, and she was pretty chatty by the time we left. For some reason I was feeling exhausted and a bit cranky, but I had to ignore this and be on my best behaviour as we dropped by Kelly's Aunt's house - the Aunt who let us stay in her house in the south of France the other week. On arrival, Kelly's uncle started telling me about his Open University science course, and I ended up basically checking his homework for him - I didn't really mind though, physics is much easier to do when tired than scintillating conversation.

Olivia says cheese

When we got to Kelly's Mum's, a massive transformation had taken place, the place was almost completely unpacked (yesterday it had been full of sofas and boxes, stacked to the ceiling). There then began another round of visitors, and when the last ones left at about 4 we snuck upstairs for a nap. Unfortunately this took a bit longer than expected, and we woke up 2 hours later to the smell of roast lamb. Dinner was good (Kelly drank about half a pint of gravy, having transferred it from jug to plate to spoon for manners' sake), and we had a much more relaxing evening than the previous three.

05/04 - There isn't too much to say about today - we got up and got our train back to London, met Clare after work for tea (which, due to a lack of tea rooms, turned into a hot chocolate and a millefeuille at Chez Gérard) then went home and cooked a chilli con carne for ourselves, Sophie and Ed. After this I packed (I bought 4 litres of Ribena to take back to Geneva, which means I have to have hold luggage on my return - totally worth the extra hassle), we watched QI and then went to bed. A busy Monday.

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