Current Location: Just off Clapham Common, London

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 157 - Rejiggery-repokery

Right, I've realised that my original plan is somewhat flawed, in that it spends loads of time in places where I don't really want to spend loads of time, and also leaves me with somewhat financially crippling surface sectors which, though epic, are annoyingly impractical - these being the trip from Bali to Darwin (seemingly impossible by any normal means of conveyance), the Ghan train from Darwin to Sydney (would strip me of at least 300 quid, and I can't get to Darwin anyway), and the overland from LA-Kingston (a similar problem of cost getting to Kingston, unfortunately). These problems can just about be solved, and a potential trip to Canada built in if necessary, as seen on the "Rethink" sheet of the spreadsheet I linked to in the title and here - more for my reference than anyone else's, as now I can reach it easily whenever I come online.

Last night wasn't too eventful, I sat in front of the computer and had a beer, after toying with the idea of wandering down the infamous Desker Road, just next to my hostel. However, I was a bit too tired to deal with notorious streets of any kind, so I just put up loads of photos and went to bed in my very creaky, plastic covered and uncomfortable bunk. I have come back to The Inn Crowd and signed up for the Night Safari, which should be cool. Oh, the chap I was talking to last night asked me if I was entirely British, as I apparently have French bone structure. He also said Winston Churchill had Mongolian ancestry, as did many prominent figures, so I'm not too sure if I trust his opinion.

1 comment:

clareprose said...

i think you are a bit french. maybe he was on to something. mum and i watched mitchell and webb this evening, which had a documentary about how 'colossum', the computer that detects numberwang, was invented by alan turin at bletchley park. it was funny and that x