Monday, December 31, 2007
Day 76 - Happy New Year!
We had a BBQ back at the Irie (which Chris burnt a lot of), and exchanged presents, let off paper lanterns (which the town is now strewn with, the next morning), which looked amazing, and then realised we had done it too early and let off another load at midnight. After this we hopped on bikes to head out to Monkey bar, run by another member of the Irie crew, Pong. This was in the middle of a little cluster of bars just out of town, and was a bit odd - it was only really people who lived or worked at Irie in there, and Pong shut the doors pretty early, trapping us inside. Most of us then went on to a party down by the river, with quite rubbish music, for a bit of a dance. I bought some food, which turned out to be cold noodles with really spicy chicken on top, with a bag of garlic fried insects on the side. I'm not too sure why I bought the insects, I only managed about four spoonfuls before I threw them away - it wasn't the taste, they were just like tiny shell-on prawns, but the texture and number of legs, mainly. They kept getting caught down the side of my gums, where I couldn't easily fish them out.
We went on to Don't Cry Bar for some better food but the kitchen was closed (it was 3 am on new year's day, I don't know why we were surprised) so we just hung out in the hammocks. When we tried to return to the party we found that the Police had shut it down, possibly for noise, so we returned home on foot (I think) as someone else had already taken the Mopeds, and it was probably inadvisable for any of us to drive home.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Day 74/5 - Arrival in Pai, after 28 hours on the road.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Day 73 - Flights and London
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Day 72 - Chatuchak
Friday, December 21, 2007
Day 71 - Boots, Boats and Buildings
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Day 70 Part 2 - Bugger
Seoul into my flight plan, I headed back and phoned Clare, only to
break down a bit, which was somewhat unexpected. I asked her advice
on what I should do - wait here, go to Krabi and find Kate, go to
Seoul, or come home, listed in order of increasing inconvenience. In
hindsight, I should have probably phoned an impartial advisor, like
Jack or Eddie maybe - Clare persuaded me to come home for a week, with
relatively reasoned argument, and we then went about the business of
booking a ticket for the 23rd on Qatar airways, coming back on the
29th, meaning I'll hopefully have enough time to get to (insert
destination here - still not too sure) for NYE.
Annoyingly, almost immediately after we booked the tickets, I went
downstairs and met two couples - Matt and Bel from Ireland/NZ, and
Ville and Cecilia from Finland. They met today on the plane from
Calcutta, and are going to Koh Phangan for Christmas. They told me to
come with them, tell Clare I'd met the love of my life or something,
but when she rang I couldn't do it. Shortly after finalising the
flight I got two facebook messages - one from Leo, Henry and Jim
telling me to come to Seoul, and one from Kate telling me where she
was staying and how to get there. Finally I got a message from Clare,
saying "Ha, you coming home seems a bit mental now doesn't it. We are
the worst at getting caught up in moments." Indeed we are. I really
must relearn patience, willpower and trust, or I may well repeat this
ridiculous situation. To soothe my baffled brain, me and the couples
drink a load of beers (they haven't drunk for four months in India!)
and go out for street food, while discussing plans for tomorrow.
Day 70 - Where's Kate?
I even considered flying back home, but that's 561 quid that I don't think I have, although it's hard to put a price on christmas... I keep trying to remind myself that it's just another day, I have never felt this strongly about it before, but also a christmas day alone has never been a possibility either. Hmm, this isn't helping my burgeoning homesickness.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Day 69 - Leaving Tokyo, arriving in Bangkok
The flight was fine, I watched Shoot 'Em Up (ridiculous and violent), Stardust (good, with an amazing british cast, and De Niro), Hairspray (ridiculous but entertaining) and most of the Bourne Ultimatum (awesome, but got cut off before the end). The only unusual thing that happened was that the old Japanese woman next to me was sick, as in actually throwing up, for pretty much the whole journey. Made me realise I have never seen an old woman throw up before...
Guesthouse seems nice, but it's just for one night if I can get hold of Kate.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Day 68 - Akihabara
Another thing they have in Akihabara is loads of manga porn - unfeasibly buxom schoolgirls are a common theme, but also pre-pubescent cover stars seemed to feature quite a lot - some of the things I saw were genuinely weird, going beyond quirky and kinky and into the realms of really unsavoury and worrying. Anyway, that was just an aside, I don't feel well enough qualified to make a judgement of their culture based on what I saw today - although myself and, umm, I forget his name but the Japanese guy I met yesterday, had a big discussion about the nature of Hentai, which apparently translates as 'beyond the norm', and as such encapsulates all sorts of weirdness, excess and perversion, sexual and otherwise. This country, as has been said many times before, is full of contradictions and strangeness, not all of it quirky and cool.
Oh also, I have pretty much entirely lost my voice. I can barely make myself heard above traffic, and it is proving to be very frustrating or me, and a source of much amusement for those around me. Bastards.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Day 67 - Jason's last night
As we wandered the streets looking for a "bar full of Japanese" as per Jason's requests, we met a guy leaving a bar who seemed to speak good english, so we asked his advice. this led to a lengthy and baffling journey round the area, culminating in us finding a bar on the third floor of what may have been an apartment block, with a locked door, owned by his mate. This being Roppongi, we figured we were about to either (a) get screwed over with really pricey drinks, or (b) find ourselves in a hostess bar/brothel with no way out. As it turned out, neither of these were the casde - it was just a quiet little bar, with good drinks - the guys who had taken us there both worked in advertising, and their old schoolfriend owned the place. We chatted for a while, and had the two drinks we had agreed on, and then Moto (the older of the two guys) paid for it all! Th8is was an unexpected treat, to get free drinks in the most notoriously dodgy area of Tokyo after Shinjuku. We then went to a bar with a name along the lines of 'spunky event', where we met two Aussies and a Japanese guy, who took us to another bar along the street. For some reason jason then engaged the Japanese guy on the subject of collectivist versus individualist culture. As dawn rolled around, we headed back to the Hostel and the Aussies went to an Onsen, supposedly for a sleep - this wasn't the case, I later found out.
Oh, also I had a chat with Mum and my sisters - my Christmas parcel arrived early, so they rang to ask if they could open it. I allowed them to open a bit, and taught them how to say thanks very much in Japanese. It was really nice to talk to them all at once, and it made me feel a bit homesick - I'm sure this will subside a little when I'm with Kate in the sun.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Day 65/6 - A rubbish morning, a cool night and a lovely day
Having extended my stay in the cafe by 6 hours, and moved to a larger, comfier seat, I watched about a week of neighbours, chatted on MSN and read back issues of B3ta. Due to my inability to resist the lure of the Internet, I got to sleep about 5 am, and was turfed out at 6 - in total I got about half an hour's sleep. As I was up anyway, I decided to head to Tsukiji fish market which is the largest fish market in the world. I net a bloke there called Al who was a post-doc in Electronics at Imperial, and was in Tokyo for a conference. We met in a Sushi place, where I had some of the nicest, freshest sushi I've ever had. Presumably all the fish is straight from the market to the plate, and it was worth the somewhat higher than usual prices as a result - I also had the fatty belly of tuna, which was 400 yen per piece, and worth it. It was almost buttery in texture, and melted in your mouth. After a long browse in the lonely planet I decided to head off to Roppongi via Ebisu, to look at the fancy architecture there. However, I fell asleep on the subway and decide it was probably best to find a capsule and have a nap. I found one just around the corner from the station and booked in for an hour (ended up staying 2) for 500 yen. I made a few observations about Japanese TV while I was in there - there was a channel showing someone playing Pachinko, and nothing else. There was a quasi-titillating show involving girls in bikinis, seemingly in an office meeting room, blindfolding each other and trying different types of noodles, then celebrating getting it right by bouncing around. There was a channel, at noon, showing weird porn, but all genitals were so pixellated that when the camera zoomed in it just looked like someone was juggling Rubik's Cubes with only two colours.
Refreshed and showered, I walked to Shibuya, to the big crossroads you always see on TV shows about Tokyo. It was impressive, a huge surging mass of people for the entire time I was there. I found an internet cafe and rang a couple of Hostels, both of which said they were fully booked. I emailed Sakura hostel in Asakusa, who auto-replied saying that they would check and I should wait for a reply, which I did. For an hour. Just as my time was up, I got a reply saying that I had a room, and no longer had to sleep in another 'net cafe/capsule, which was a massive relief. I headed to Harajuku to go to the park and marvel at the people who supposedly would be thronging the streets with their weirdness, but due to the fact that it was (a) cold, (b) 4pm and getting dark, and (c) Saturday, there was noone about really apart from a few skaters. There' s a chance I went to the wrong park as well, but that's not important. I got to the hostel at about half 6 last night, having lugged my bag, which now somehow weighs about 25 kg, through the streets. I met some cool Aussies here, (Kate, Jay, Murph, Dr Ew and another one) and a Canadian guy called Jason, who lives in Seoul and seems keen to meet Leo etc. There were also a load of Argentinians here to support Boca Juniors in the club world cup here, who were singing loud football songs, clapping and shouting. At one point they got out an enormous (20m +) flag and started waving it around - the guy behind the desk objected and tried to roll it up, and when he wouldn't let go one of the Argentinians punched his arm to try and release the flag - there was a small ruckus, but nothing too unpleasant. We drank and chatted for a while, and they weren't really too up for going out, until Jay and Dr Ew got talking to a couple of Swedish girls who were going out for Karaoke, Easily swayed, we all ended up going - it was a shaky start (bad songs were chosen, noone knew enough words) but pretty soon, partly due to the choice of Last Christmas as a singalong and partly due to the 2 hr all-you-can-drink deal we had going on, we were all singing our hearts out. We got in about 3 this morning, and I ended up watching The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift purely because I recognised bits of it. Sort of like justifying watching all of Rush Hour 2 because you've been there - in retrospect, an error.
Day 56 - Somehow I managed to get up and into Yokohama for 1 today, where I met Hana - we had a great time, just walked around the (future harbour) area for hours, had a wicked meal, encountered an all Japanese gospel choir singing Christmas songs, swapped stories from the last few years and saw quite a lot of the city. But mainly, we walked, almost non-stop, for 3 1/2 hours - I reckon we covered about 10 miles in all, which is why (in conjunction with the shedload of free cocktails and the lack of decent sleep for a couple of days) right now I am absolutely exhausted. Just by where we had lunch there was a trio of female violinists in gold dresses playing Christmas songs, which overwhelmed me a bit due to my fragile state - I suddenly felt all festive and warm, much as I did when we saw the gospel choir as well. Yokohama seems pretty nice, has a manageable feeling about it, probably due to the comparatively few towering buildings they have there.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Day 64 - Fuji Go-Ko, Louis, and Tokyo

11:25 Right, I got lost again. I was up at 8:15 this morning, out of the hostel by 9:30, aiming to be on the train by 10. I walked up the street, looking for the station which should be very obvious, and I have failed utterly. On the upside, at this very moment I can see Mount Fuji, looming above everything else, and it is an absolutely perfect day - so perfect in fact, that I am in only a t-shirt, in spite of the altitude. I found a helpful lady and asked her "Fuji-Yoshida station dess-ka?" while gesticulating wildly. She answered with "Hai, (insert loads ofJapanese and pointing here)", I followed the pointing and asked three other women where to go, eventually finding that the station was a building I had walked past an hour previously, not more than 500m from the hostel. I had some delicious ramen in the station and got the 11:21. I am not good at the trains.

12:00 Well, I am currently sitting on top of Kachi-kachi Mountain, at the top of the ropeway. the view is awesome, I can see why Fuji seems to be such a huge part of the Japanese psyche. From where I sit in my t-shirt, if I look to my left I am blinded by the sun, to my right there are icicles, down the mountain there is a heat haze above the town, and ahead of me is the snow-capped peak of Fuji. This is a confusing place.
13:35 I am now on the sightseeing bus, which goes round the south side of Lake Kawagushi-Ko before making a loop of Lake Saiko. I can hop on and off at will, so I'm planning to go to the Onsen on the north shore, The Bat Cave and the Ice Cave, while enjoying the views of the lakes and mountains.
14:35 Well that's annoying. I have been informed by the driver (I'm the only person on the bus, by the way) that the Bat Cave is closed. I have been dropped off at the wind cave - I walked straight through the gate to find a load of guys having a bonfire, who cheerily informed me through sign language that the Wind Cave was closed for winter. The Ice Cave is apparently about 20 minutes up the road, so I hope for better things.

14:47 Now here's an odd thing. I can only assume the meeting went something like this:
Fuji Councillor #1: So, we have a problem, this bendy bit of road in the mountains gets awfully slippery.15:07 Well, that was rubbish. The ice cave (I am so disappointed I begrudge it capitals) was just a hole in the ground, a small tunnel to another hole, and a tunnel back again. There was a lump of ice down there, to prove it's 0 degrees down there. Hmm. I told an Australian family I saw on the way out that it was a waste of money, and also that the Wind and Bat Caves were closed. They seemed a little crestfallen, but went in anyway, I think. I feel I might resign from sightseeing - the touristy things I have attempted to see here have all failed, instead I shall sit, observe, or do something, rather than going to see things. Maybe I should have gone to Kyuku Highlands theme park. Maybe I should go to Tokyo Disneyland...
Councillor #2: Let's put up signs?
Councillor #3: Salt it?
All: Awesome!
(high fives)

15:35 Having said all this, the area is very nice and picturesque. Lakes, pine forests, mountains... maybe it's just because I grew up in a flat bit of a flattish country, but these things all impress me maybe more than they would someone from Austria, say. However, my advice to someone visiting the Fuji Five Lakes area would be to go up the ropeway by Kawagushi-ko, and also hang out at the NW corner of Saiko, where the best views are.
18:29 On another note, as I have been reading Call Of the Weird by Louis Theroux, I have started to envy him to a degree - his ability to remain innocent and questioning, while also detached and sceptical about his subjects/experiences. I can't see him slipping into despondency while pondering elements of the human condition, as I have felt myself all too close to doing these lase few days. I no longer seem to enjoy my own company as much as I once did, although this may be because the novelty of being my own boss has waned somewhat after five years. It should also be remembered that I am here entirely of my own choosing, meaning that worrying and regrets will get me nowhere, as I will only end up blaming myself. Sack that, if I'm not enjoying myself just go elsewhere, find new people - I have only commitments to myself at the moment, so I should just shut up.
Also, back to Louis, while he is talking to the 'pimp' Mello T, he compares lifestyles - where Mello sits in sleazy strip clubs scouting for new talent, Louis says that last night he went to bed with a glass of wine and his notebook and did a crossword, much to the envy of Mello. I am sitting on the train with a glass of wine writing in my notebook, although I fear that is where the similarities end. Also, he discusses the need to not object to peoples opinions and beliefs where doing so would reach no useful conclusion and only create an awkward atmosphere - not what you want when trying to interview someone. I found myself in a situation the other day with Nick, where he made some odd claim about why he didn't want to go to India, and I said that he'd "put forward some pretty tenuous premises there". He looked at me in a kind of 'what the hell?' way before turning back to his conversation (this worried me a bit, as this was before we had agreed to go to Miyajima the following day, and I really didn't want to do it alone).
20:39 Made it! To Shinjuku at least. I have contacted Leona, found somewhere to eat, and decided to either sleep in a capsule hotel or Internet cafe (not as trampish as it sounds, apparently many young Tokyoites do this as a cheaper alternative to the capsule).
21:30 Wow, Negishi house red is even worse than Otsuki satation wine. Didn't think that was possible. Just finished Louis, found more little things in the epilogue that make me like him even more, eg: his fantasy of returning to school as an adult and knowing more than everyone else, having reasoned debate with teachers etc... one I share, but I'm sure everyone does. Also something about him being less susceptible to whimsy and coercion than his first documentary tour, and now I'm just rambling on about bollocks, this is no longer a travelogue, sorry.

00:40 Wow, that's how long that took me to write up the last three days. Three hours on the dot, as it turns out. guess I'm staying in the internet place tonight - they have massage chairs, PS2, TV, DVD players, free drinks, all for 1.50 an hour! Also, I went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building North Tower Observatory on my way here, and took MORE nighttime cityscape photos. So there.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Day 63 - Sleeping, Trains, getting lost in the cold and I AM MENTAL
Also, two odd things happened today. Firstly, I vaguely remembered two things about my dreams last night - firstly, someone punched me hard in the jaw, I think inspired by the Augment who punches Gordon in The Postman, which I read recently. Also, I was having a bad dream and wanted to wake myself up (this happens a little more often than I would like, I become trapped in my own psyche and cant escape, so I hit myself and shout in the dream, until I wake up into the real world - this has never happened when there has been anyone else to witness it, and I hope it never will - I can imagine noone in a hostel would want to talk to me if I awoke flailing and screaming). Anyway, I was slapping myself in the face in my dream, until I awoke, and even now as I write this, two days later, my jaw still clicks and aches, and is noticeably swollen. I can only assume, therefore, that I smacked myself so hard in the face that I have bruised myself, and possible the other dream was merely a manifestation of the real-world pain I was feeling, without disturbing the dream. Before I have actually accused others of hitting me in my sleep (sorry Bob) to account for having this jaw pain, but I think it's just that I am slightly mental and beat myself up as I slumber.
The second thing is less odd - I had a Mega-Tomato meal from McD's this morning - three burgers and a load of tomato in a Big Mac style bun - and the tomato one was more expensive than the one with a fried egg in it. I would have thought it would be the other way round. Anyway, please comment with any thoughts on the jaw thing, I am intrigued to hear others opinions on the subject.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Day 62 - Miyajima in unfavourable conditions
So, I made plans on Tuesday night with Nick and James, a Brit and an American respectively, to meet at 10am in the common room and go to Miyajima Island, to climb the mountain and generally soak up the atmosphere. We were all early, and walked to the station (I didn't necessarily consent to this, but I saw no point in arguing). As we were getting on the ferry at Miyajimaguchi we saw some boat racing going on, and swore to come back and check it out on our way back if possible. Already
Having snacked on some beanpaste-filled-deep-fried-maple leaf pasties on a stick, we visited the main shrine on the island, Itsukushima. This was the main reason to come here, being as it is surrounded by water, looking out onto the Torii which is supposedly one of the three most photographed sights in Japan, although I have no idea how one would measure this.
We had been informed that the views from the top of Mt. Misen
All this sightseeing over, I booked myself onto the 18:30 Shinkansen to Osaka, raced back to the hostel, grabbed my stuff, and jumped in a taxi (anathema for backpackers in Japan, but I was desperate) and proceeded to miss my train by 1 minute. I got there at exactly 18:09:30, as the whistle blew for the train to leave. I have probably caught over 100 trains in Japan, including subways which run on a timetable, and not one has been delayed or run late by even 1 minute. This is quite incredible, I have no idea how they achieve this. The few buses I have caught have all run to the minute as well.
By the time I got into Shin-Osaka I really couldn't be bothered to get the next train to Nagoya then on to Fuji-Yoshida. I hadn't really slept the night before anyway, as I kept waking for no reason every hour or so, so I headed once again back to #303 Natty North, Kita-Tatsumi, for one final night before posting my key back through the door, never to return again.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Day 61 - Learning in Hiroshima
Today I got up nice and earlyish, checked in, paid, and went off to find somewhere to have a coffee before I went to see the sights. After finding a coffee shop full of fish tanks containing really cool tropical fish, I walked from the hostel to the Hiroshima Peace Museum, in the Peace Park. I took the full audio tour round all 56 exhibits, from the initial planning stages of the Manhattan project to evidence of the cancerous after-effects of the blast. There were loads of models, photos and recorded testimonials of v
After I had a look around the rest of the park I headed off for some food (over the Aioi bridge, the actual target of the bomb) and ended up in the Sogo department store food court. I headed for an Italian buffet, as I was knackered and it seemed like the easiest thing to get, as there was minimum waiter-customer interaction necessary. The waiter did not share this opinion, and wouldn't let me go and get any food until he and the chef had explained that it was a buffet, and I should choose either Pizza or Pasta. This took about 10 minutes, and was solved by me pointing, saying "Pizza, pasta, buffet. Pizza o kudasai" and getting up and getting stuck in, much to their relief. It was ok, apart from some eel I had in a tomato sauce which seemed to have skin both inside and out. I left the mutant eel. I came home and had a brief lie down, which accidentally turned into a 3 hour nap, rather annoyingly.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Day 60 - I jibbed it.
We went to the post office earlier to send a load of Les's stuff to Bill in Korea, and on the way a small boy on a bike in a Judo outfit stopped and asked us a question, but unfortunately we had no idea what he was saying. I responded with "Sumimasen, watashi no nihon-go dess". This was meant to be "Sumimasen, watashi no nihon-go wa heta na no de" meaning "Sorry, my Japanese isn't very good". What I said roughly translates as "Excuse me, I am the Japanese language", which quite apart from being nonsense, doesn't even convey what I meant. In the post office we were informed that the parcel could take 6 weeks, as the government would have to open it up and check it. This was baffling, until the very helpful lady who was translating for us said Kita Korea, meaning north - if we hadn't picked up on this and shouted "Minami! Minami Korea!", Les's parcel would have ended up in entirely the wrong country.
Also, despite us having to leave here in an hour, and her not being packed, Les just went for a shower and is now sitting next to me eating the rest of my Okonomiyaki, seemingly unperturbed by any of this. Curious...
Les got all packed in time, she got all her stuff packed into three bags, the two to be ckecked in weighed about 29 kg total - her limit is 20 kg, so she said she'll have to do some pleading. Also, her flight tob Glasgow only allows 1 bag, so she should really have posted twice as much stuff to Korea. This would have been an extrememly unhelpful thing to point out though, so I kept my mouth shut. I have made it to Hiroshima, I got in about 12 hours later than I intended. Hostel seems nice, everyone's a bit silent though, which is odd... I'm off to bed so I can get an early start tomorrow, although the BBC forecasts "heavy rain", which is a bit of a bugger. I may have to stay for an extra day anyway, so I can go to Miyajima when it's dry. This keyboard is the filthiest I have ever seen - all the keys have brown stuff round the edges and the gaps are full of hairs.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Day 59 - Okayama, and Bill's Sayonara
I managed to get up at 8 this morning, and was out of the house early, got to Shin-Osaka by half nine, got my Railpass sorted, only to find that the first Shinkansen I could get (I'm not allowed on the super-fast Nozomi trains with my Railpass) to Okayama wasn't for another 45 minbutes, which I could have spent sleeping. The Shinkansen is really impressive, we were rocketing through the countryside at incredible speed - the inside is more like a plane than a train, with enormous reclining seats, and individual porthole style windows for each row. Okayama was really nice, I went there in order to see the Crow Castle and the garden, both of which were impressive. The garden was full of little ponds, waterfalls, islands, teahouses etc., the only problem was that it had a lawn (the first one I've seen here, there isn't much grass about) which had clearly not had enough water, meaning that the ground was a shade of arid yelloww, instead of the lush green that was intended. The castle wasn't too big it had 6 floors, but the top one was only about 4 metres square. I realised that this sightseeing had only taken me to about 3 o'clock, so as I meandered back to the station I tried to find out if I could go to Shikoku and see the Naruto whirlpools, but it seems impossible to get there in less than a day. I came back to Osaka on another Shinkansen (less nice, HIkari instead of railstar) and came back to the flat. I fell asleep, only to be woken at half nine by Les ringing to inform me that I should come over to Eric's place, as they were going out for Sayonara drinks for Bill. We went to a tiny bar called Y's in Shinsaibashi, owned and staffed by a really cool friendly guy called Masa, whoc gave us all free shots as Bill was leaving, and knew loads of the guys by name. There was a baby in there, can't have been a year old, being passed around all the girls with much cooing while its parents boozed and smoked away. The baby was encouraged to play bongos with Bill, which it did with an entirely impassive face. I have a picture of said face on my phone, which I shall put up ASAP. I ended up discussing sexual politics with an australian called Christy for hours (she is a terrifying girl, I've never been so afraid). A good time was had by all, it was an awesome little bar. I said my goodbyes, and found that I'll really miss a lot of these guys, it makes me wish I had more time (and a purpose) here.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Day 58 - Small change of plans.
Monday Okayama, Tuesday Hiroshima, Wednesday Miyajima, Thursday Nagoya, Friday Takayama/Fuji Lakes, Saturday Yokohama/Tokyo, Sunday Tokyo/Yokohama.
My friend Hana, who lives near Yokohama, has said there may well be some cool stuff going on there this weekend, so this is another advantage of my new plan. Also, I just went for all-you-can-eat pizza with Bill and the guys, and managed 13 slices including a custard and chocolate one. Japan is wierd.
From yesterday; we got a letter through today informing us that:
your account was cancelled by the trustees in bankruptcy of Nova corporation,
which was the contractor of your account...(if a new account is not taken
out by wednesday) we will cut the electricity service for security reasons.
This is another advantage of our leaving next week. Also, there is a perfect square of flesh missing from my elbow, and the floor under my mattress was soaked in some kind of soapy liquid when I went to bed. Noone can provide me with an explanation for either of these things.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Day 56 - Nara, Ramen, and Bill gets hit by a car

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Day 55 - Umeda Sky Building, and plans have been made...
Concerning my future plans, I spent ages last night going through the Lonely Planet & DK guides to Japan along with my Overseas Timetable book, trying to find out where I should go and how best to make full use of my 7-day Japan Railpass. My itinerary is roughly as follows, although the advantage of the Railpass is that I don't have to plan at all, if I suddenly decide to go somewhere else:
- Wednesday - take train to Nara, go to Nara Park and see as much of the place as I can in one day. If possible, go to Iga-Ueno Ninja Museum on the way home.
- Thursday - do anything else I can find to do in Osaka, before it's too late. Get Railpass, to start friday if possible.
- Friday - go to Hiroshima on the Shinkansen as early as possible. See Peace PArk, A-Bomb Dome, Shukkei-en gardens, Manga Library. Stay the night in Hiroshima.
- Saturday - go to Miyajima Island for the day, then see anything I missed in Hiroshima and get Shink. back to Osaka.
- Sunday - get Shink. to Okayama for the day, visit the Black Castle and Koraku-en gardens.
- Monday - leave Osaka for last time, Shink to Nagoya, then on to Takayama (although I forget why I chose it, may skip this one), stay in Takayama, possibly in Tensho-ji temple.
- Tuesday - return to Nagoya, spend day there, then get Shink. to Tokyo and possibly stay in a capsule hotel.
- Wednesday - go to Fuji-Yoshida, around the Fuji Go-ko area. See five lakes of Fuji, look at mountain lots. Stay in Fuji-Yoshida.
- Thursday - head back to Tokyo, and find a day trip to use up last day of Railpass.
- Friday onwards - stay in Tokyo, maybe leave to Bangkok on following monday.
Sounds rather exhausting, and I need to figure out if I know anyone in Tokyo, but it should be great - I get to go on no less than 6 Bullet trains, which is pretty cool. I'll keep track of all the money I would have spent on trains as well, to see if it's more than the 23,600 yen I spent on the week's pass. If not, I shall be severely perturbed, and just ride the Shinkansen all day on the last day, just to spite JR.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Day 54 - Laura's Departure